Friday, April 1, 2016

sports exploration activity

1. My sport is cheerleading
2. The team I am choosing is the California Allstars Smoed.

3.  Top 5 rankings for small senior coed level 5 worlds:

  •  The California All Stars – SMOED
  •  Vizion – 20/20
  •  Brandon All Stars – Senior Black
  •  Prodigy All Stars – Midnight
  •  KC Cheer – Fierce 5

4. There is no playoffs in cheer but there is two major competitions. The first competition is in Dallas, Texas called NCA (National Cheerleaders Association). the second competition is in Orlando, Florida called The World Champion but you have to be invited and do well throughout the season to go to that competition. In 2015 smoked got 8th place at NCA but they got 1st at Worlds. In 2016 there is no result for NCA because it just happened and worlds is in 46 days.

  • You have to be mentally and physically prepared, The sport is 80% mental and 20% physical.
  • No ones position is always secure so we have to make sure you are in the gym working outsides of practices to make sure your skills and stunts are solid. You can be replaced so fast.
  • You have to be willing to try new things and work/condition at every practice
  • Tumbling- When you do a lot of flips 
  • base- there are normally people who hold/throw a girl in the air
  • flyer- the person the bases lift up, at the top and in the air.
7. They appear to be hot in a group, yet look at them one by one, and the attractiveness is gone. Or when a cheerleader dates a football player. 

8. Angel Rice is one of the more famous cheerleaders/tumblers in the cheerleading world. She was born on December 4 in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm not sure what school she goes to but she is in high school. She has been on the California Allstars Smoed and Stingray Allstars Steel, she is also on the USA gymnastics team. She set the world record of doing the most double fulls in a row. 

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