Monday, October 19, 2015

Huntington story

Who:Janice Jones
What: Got shot
When:  10 p.m Wednesday
Where:Barstow, California
Why:Gun was on a seat loaded
How: Her dog knocked it off

At 10 p.m. on Wednesday in Barstow, California, Janice Jones got shot on her leg.

Her handgun was loaded and on a seat and her dog knocked it over.

"It could have been worse"  California Highway Patrol Tammy Rye said.

Jones is lucky it just hit her leg and nothing more serious.

" The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank." Rye had said.

Jones went to two different hospitals before she got healed.

" Jones was treated at the hospital," Jim Washington said, a spokesperson from Huntington Beach Hospital.

While Janice was in the hospital, her dog Tombo was sent to the Huntington Beach Animal Control.

"The dog seemed to be malnourished" an animal control officer, Janet Ngo said.

The dog was being treated badly by Janice Jones and had many cigarette burns on its forehead.

"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," said Janet.

While checking out the dog Ngo decided her office would try to press animal abuse charges against Jones.

"Officers cited Jones for expired plates," Rye said.

The county's district attorney's office was thinking about putting charges towards the gun incident.

" Jones doesn't have a permit for the gun," Tammy had said.

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