Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break free write

On Friday, the day we got out of school, I had cheer tryouts and we all left around 10:30 at night. I messed up a little when I tried out but it went well, it was just very long. There was a lot of really good girls trying out so it made me scared but I did end up making the team which was really exciting. I also do competitive cheer outside of school but we were off for spring break so that was also good to give us rest. But when we had practice yesterday which was sunday, it was pretty tiring just because the coaches knew none of us worked out offer the break so they worked us hard. I didn't do much over spring break, means my family just chilled at our house. On monday I had my friend over and we went swimming and her phone got wet and started messing up so we had to put it in a bag of rice. Then on Tuesday my little brother and I went swimming also and I had a life proof case on my phone and I put it in the pool to see if it would actually work and it didn't so it ended up making my phone all wet and frying it. So my mom was going back and forth with the people to get me a new phone so they ended up shipping me one. My older brother actually went to Port Aransas with all his friends on Wednesday and got home yesterday. My little brother also went to Port Aransas on Wednesday but he got home on Friday. My grandpa took my little brother and two of my cousin to go fish and I don't like fishing so I stayed at my house with my parents. So while they were gone on wednesday night my dad cooked barbecue and we watched some movie at the house. On thursday my mom took me shopping for summer clothes while my dad was working and then later that night we went to go get dinner. On Saturday we were just at the house and then later we went to go eat with my grandparents and we went to the mall after and my dad and little brother got shoes. I also slept in everyday and took a nap everyday. It was great.

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