Friday, September 25, 2015

My top story of the century

On April 15, 1912 at 2:20 the Titanic sunk because it hit an iceberg. It sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean. The big ship carried 2200 people and crew members. About 1500  people froze to death or sunk with the ship. There was only 700 people who survived and it was mainly children and women. 
    This was important in the 1900's because it was the biggest man made ship ever made. 

On 1918 to 1919 in Europe US, and parts Asia the flu was observed. The flu infected 500 million people. There was no medicine or vaccination to help heal the people. It liked 20 to 50 million people all over. 

This is important because it just got discovered and people still get the flu  today. Most of the people who got  it were children or young adults. 

A 7.5 quake rumbled from the San Andreas fault. The earthquake it at 5:12 a.m. About 100 people couldn't make it out and got killed. 

This is important because it was a big earthquake. 

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