Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

I was born on June 14, 2001. I am the second child of three children. My was twenty sis years old when she had me. My was is the oldest out to of her and her brother.If I described my mom in one word, I would say she is the best. My mom does everything for me, when I'm sick, well, or hurting. My mom helps me in many ways. When I'm in trouble she always backs me up and makes excuses for me so my dad doesn't get mad at me. When I don't do something right , she corrects me an tells me how to do it the right way. My mom supports me in everything I do and she sticks with me through it all. My mom helps me in schoolwork, boy troubles, friendships, family, and to what outfits I should wear. She will do anything in her power to make me be the best I can be. She can be strict with my chores and my grades but she is sorta a layer back mom. It depends what mood she's in to to depend on how strict she is. If she mad then I don't want to talk to her a lot because then she will bemoan. If she is in a good mood then I will talk to her about anything. My mom is 5'1 and has short brown hair and she also has brown eyes. I definitely got her short gene. I love my mom with all my heart, there is never a moment when I don't love her. If I am upset or down she is the one who always picks me up and she's the one who always makes me laugh and enjoy myself. My mom is the best mom you could ever ask for. She can annoy me sometimes but she never makes me stop loving her. When I don't do good at practice my mom always says "I thought you did good", she always tells me I do good when I really don't and that makes me feel a little better.

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